Kids and Chiropractic in Camarillo CA

My patients will often ask me why we treat kids in our Camarillo CA office. “How do children have back problems? Isn’t that for old guys like me?” We have quite a few children in our office getting adjusted and this does turn some heads with our patients. So the question is do children need a Chiropractor in Camarillo CA and why? The short answer to this question is if you have a spine you need a Chiropractor. The spine is made up of several bones that come together to support the body and protect the nervous system.
Why Children Need Chiropractic Care in Camarillo CA
The spine can suffer injury through injury, repetitive stress, and/or bad posture. An injury to the spine can include damage to the discs, ligaments, muscles, nerve, or shift the alignment of the spine.
Interestingly, the time in a person’s life when they undergo the most traumas and injuries is during their childhood. Misalignments of the spine get created which lead to long term problems in your 20’s, 30’s or sometimes they don’t get noticed until in your 40’s.
The youngest age we check children is for spinal misalignments is when they are newly born. Having your newborn get checked by a Chiropractor will help to reduce stress on the nervous system and help with irritability and colic.
One study revealed babies under Chiropractic care who suffered from colic had a 91% reduction on average in their symptomology. This is huge news to a sleepless parent of a child suffering from colic as well as their pediatrician who usually addresses this problem by scratching their own head and shrugging their shoulders. The Chiropractic treatment is gentle, effective, and most of all completely safe.
Why Take Them to A Chiropractor?
The most common reason parents elect to bring their baby to a Chiropractor is for proactive health purposes and colic relief. The most common reason at the toddler age is for the purpose of ear infection relief and resolution. Most typically in adolescents, a parent will bring their child to their chiropractor for the purposes of scoliosis correction.
Most people don’t know Chiropractic is the only scientifically proven to be a successful form of treatment for scoliosis correction that doesn’t include a life-altering painful back surgery. Children under Chiropractic care have also been shown to have a quicker immune response time which reduces the likelihood of sickness.
So when a parent asks themselves should I take my children to a Camarillo CA chiropractor to get a check-up I would reply back with a question. “Does your child have a spine?”
7:00am - 10:00am
3:00pm - 6:30pm
7:00am - 10:00am
3:00pm - 6:30pm
3:00pm - 6:30pm
7:00am - 10:00am
3:00pm - 6:30pm
Saturday & Sunday
Bates Family Chiropractic
457 Carmen Dr
Camarillo, CA 93010